Loki and Wei's Las Vegas Elopement
When you meet the one you love the most and want to marry her in the fastest way, Drive Thru marriage with a @ferrari sport Car can be the one option. 😎
Also, I really like this Hong Kong Style Cafe and sport car combination photo theme. It is rare and creative one. If you get some more crazy and unique ideas for theme of photo. Let’s make it to be cinematic images.
當你遇上你最愛的那一位,只爭朝夕不負韶華,想用最快的方式迎娶她,開著法拉利在Vegas Drive Thru Marriage應該是最快最酷的結婚方式之一,也許沒有之一。
Elopement, Pre-WeddingJim LeeLas Vegas Wedding photographer, Las Vegas Elopement, California Wedding PhotographerComment