Rowan and Devin Wedding
I was so happy to cover this garden style Wedding.Their wedding location was in Buttermilk Falls Inn. It has a pretty nice view of Hudson river when you stand in the balcony of the vacation house. They were thrilled to be spending an entire weekend with their friend and family, besides the traditional ceremony hosting near the lake with the beautiful sunset, laying around on the grass, playing lawn games, doing sports competitions, getting the drinks on, and having a raging party and BBQ in night time. It was memorable day and I could say I can't feel any pressure of the whole weekend even I was in working mode. For sure, the whole party was so relax and fun for everyone hanging out. They made the commitment for each other meanwhile they could enjoy and play games with friend and family. I think it is a brilliant idea to make a wedding like that.
婚紗是否一定要是白色 婚禮是否一定要在一天內完成 晚宴又是否一定要有跳舞和表演 這次Garden Style的婚禮帶給我很多新鮮的體現 很慶幸我們總遇到很多有特別想法的客人 令自己對婚姻與愛情的看法都不斷有新的認知 很多時候婚禮晚宴上都會將節目排得滿滿的 跳舞,演講,介紹來賓,表演和遊戲等等 別人婚禮有什麼 怎麼樣 自己的婚禮也就怎麼樣 或者在同樣的東西上換更貴更好的 以顯身份上的區別 但是有多少新人會仔細想想 自己想要什麼 而不是別人有什麼自己就要有什麼 想要party跟很多朋友一起跳 還是想多一些時間跟很久不見的親友聊天 是想要一場show 還是想好好享受這個難得聚會的時刻 像這個婚禮 儀式和晚宴分開了兩天,儀式完成後新人和親友們一起燒烤,整晚秉足長談 第二天和朋友同事 一起喝酒玩遊戲 沒有任何儀式需要排練 也沒有任何台詞需要記住 更完全沒有任何趕流程的壓力 婚禮前的 兩人一邊拍拖一邊合力裝飾婚禮上的小細節 作為攝影師也被他們的浪漫和享受人生的態度所感染。